It’s fun when you work out at the gym with your friends. But if you are shy or a conscious person, you can start feeling frustrated. And if you really want to lose weight, you have to feel motivated so you can reach your fitness goals. So these quick at home exercises are best if you don’t like the gym.
And these fat burning exercises will keep your body fit and also help you maintaining your desired weight. Always keep in mind that rapid weight loss programs are not always healthy and safe. So, instead, you can reduce fatty food intake from your diet and try these 10 effective 5-minute exercises at home. You’ll see a huge change in your body soon.
V Shape Exercise
At first, you have to lie down on the mat. Face downwards while doing this exercise. Now make a V shape and balance your body with the help of your toes and hands. Push and pull the legs away and close to your hands at least for 30 seconds.
W Shape Leg Lift
This exercise effectively reduces your belly as well as leg weight. First, lie down on the mat and face upwards. Place the legs close to each other and bring them close to your tummy by straightening up. Now keep your legs down. Continue the same for at least 30 seconds.
Single Leg Lift
If you want to get a toned body, try this one. At first, stand straight and lift the left leg. Now touch the ground with the help of your hands. When you come up, you need to jump. In short, you have to touch the ground first and jump with the help of your single foot. You have to keep the left leg up during this exercise. Try this for 30 seconds.
Superman Exercise
If you want to reduce the weight of your tummy and abs, don’t forget to try this exercise. Keep your legs and hands straight and stretch yourself. Put all your weight on your tummy and lift your thighs and chest. You need to be as straight as possible. Try this one for at least 30 seconds.
Push up with Knee Kick
This exercise is great for losing fat from the whole body. You can start with a knee push up. Lie down on the ground and push yourself up with the help of your hand and feet. Now bring your left knee forward so that it can touch your left elbow and the same goes for your right one. Repeat the whole process for at least 30 seconds.
It’s an easy and entertaining way to lose fat around your stomach and thighs. Grab a skipping rope and jump with your legs for at least 20 seconds. Then you can go for an intensive repetition. It’ll give you great result.
Bent Leg Rotating
If you want to work on your inner thighs and back, you have to try this one. At first, stand straight and place the hands on the back of the head. Lift and bend your right leg towards your waist. Now rotate your leg in a circular motion at least for 15 seconds. Try the same on the right leg now for 15 seconds.
Rotating T Extension
Now, it’s time to work on your abdominal muscles. At first, come to the push-up position. Then straighten the arms. Put all your weight on the left arm and completely rotate your torso towards the right. Your body should be in T shape. You have to hold it for a few seconds and repeat on the other side.
You can try these effective exercises at home. Keep in mind that you have to practice them regularly to see the best result. We all can invest at least 5 minutes a day for our precious health!